What's Going On?
Wednesday, July 19: Asparagus to Zucchini Tour | 5:30-8:00 | DETAILS
Wednesday, June 28: Birds and Insects in the Garden | @EVCG | 3:30 | DETAILS
Wednesday, June 14: Worm Composting Workshop | @EVCG| 5:00 |DETAILS
Monday, April 17: Tour of Rocky Mountain National Park Greenhouse | 3:00 | DETAILS
With Your Help, We did it!
*February 2017 - Drawing for 10 open 2017 plots; winners & 19 on waiting list notified
*January 2017 - Applications open for 2017 garden plots
* August 28, 2016 - "Gardeners' Bounty" Potluck at the garden
* August 10, 2016 - "Asparagus to Zucchini" Garden Tour
* July 18, 2016 - America in Bloom judges visited
* May 31, 2016 - Last compost/soil mix load delivered plots filled and planting began by mid-April
* Late May 2016- Raised plot frame construction completed at the Garden site
* March 14, 2016 - Fence completed
* February 9, 2016 - Drawing for 2016 Garden plots
* February 13 - 58 winners and 13 more on the waiting list were notified
* November 6, 2015 - Groundbreaking Ceremony